We are a professional and highly trained team

Our highly competent experts provide legal and professional advice to both individuals and multinational corporations.


Don't hesitate to ask

We offer consultations for individuals and organizations seeking legal, financial, and recruitment services.

Tax Law

We analyze your company business and advice on tax planning issues to ensure maximum legal tax efficiency is obtained by the client.

Oil & Gas

Our support helps energy firms to realize their full potential, securely and profitably.

Family Law

We legally represent our clients during issues involving family relationships such as marriage, adoption, divorce, and child custody, among others.

Commercial Law

We offer business advice on contractual engagements that arise in the course of running a business at any stage of the commercial cycle.

Land and Property Law

We advise clients on rental agreements, buying and selling of land, and resolving land ownership issues.

Legal and Tax Advisory

We review and audit the tax position of your company with the view of ascertaining tax compliance and ensuring that the company has met all its tax obligations.

Financial Advisory

We guide customers with different services, such as investment management, tax planning, and estate planning.

Accounting and Internal Audit

We work with businesses to ensure they are accurate, up-to-date, and in compliance with various regulatory standards.

Immigration Services

We provide legal services to immigrants and refugees and offer advocacy and awareness workshops.

Recruitment Services

We are client-focused during our processes to ensure we get the best-fit personnel for your organization.

Our Expert Team

Partners at SENA

We at SENA believe that we are better placed to respond quickly to our client’s needs and provide personalized service to them. You’re not treated like a number at our firm. We work hard to understand the specifics of your situation and craft a compelling case to fight for the best outcome for you.


We offer the best service with maximum efficiency and quality


We maintain very high standards of operation


We uphold the highest ethical values